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I have a building


Always on the lookout

NUCLEO is always on the look­out for pre­mi­ses in and around Ghent in which to devel­op qua­li­ty artist’s stu­dios. That’s becau­se the demand for workspa­ce for artists remains high.

We look for spa­cious buil­dings whe­re mul­ti­ple artists could work alongsi­de one ano­ther, with a lea­se term of at least two years. The buil­dings should be wind- and water­tight and equip­ped with elec­tri­ci­ty, water, toi­lets and heating.


What are the benefits of an agreement with NUCLEO?

You’re sup­por­ting a pro­ject of gre­at socie­tal value.

Over 500 pro­fes­si­o­nal visu­al artists have found an inspi­ring stu­dio through NUCLEO. The pre­sen­ce of artists bre­a­thes life into a buil­ding and con­tri­bu­tes to a vibrant neigh­bour­hood and city. Artist stu­dios are an essen­ti­al link in the rich artis­tic eco­sy­s­tem of Ghent. By making your buil­ding avai­la­ble, you are con­tri­bu­ting to the diver­si­ty of fas­ci­na­ting prac­ti­ces of artists both young and more experienced.

Your buil­ding is in good hands.

NUCLEO has almost 25 years’ expe­rien­ce in mana­ging vacant pro­per­ties. We have mana­ged over 40 buil­dings, inclu­ding con­vents pro­tec­ted as UNESCO world heri­ta­ge, for­mer indu­stri­al sites, schools and offi­ce buil­dings. We have wor­ked with many dif­fe­rent kinds of owners: public insti­tu­ti­ons like the City of Ghent, SOGent, Thuispunt Gent, the non-pro­fit orga­ni­sa­ti­ons res­pon­si­ble for the beguina­ges and the Flemish schools sys­tem, as well as pro­ject devel­o­pers like Revive, Brocap and VDD.

NUCLEO starts by car­rying out the neces­sa­ry works to ensu­re the safe­ty of the buil­ding. In the case of a sig­ni­fi­cantly lengthy lea­se term, we will con­si­der which addi­ti­o­nal invest­ments make sense.

Your pro­per­ty is bet­ter protected.

There is so much pres­su­re on spa­ce in the city that allo­wing pre­mi­ses to remain emp­ty is a real sha­me. Not only do disus­ed pro­per­ties tend to fall into dis­re­pair, they are also vul­ne­ra­ble to break-ins and van­da­lism. Buildings under NUCLEO’s mana­ge­ment and good care stand to appre­ci­a­te in value whi­le being pro­tec­ted from undesi­red visi­tors. With NUCLEO, you also avoid the risk of vacan­cy tax.


How do we work?

Every buil­ding is dif­fe­rent. We always take into account the spe­ci­fic con­text and the owner’s futu­re plans. Together we deter­mi­ne the pos­si­bi­li­ties of NUCLEO’s management.

We draw up a con­tract with clear agree­ments. This con­tract lists the res­pon­si­bi­li­ties of both the owner and NUCLEO, which are in turn reflec­ted in the con­tracts we enter into with our end users, the artists. This assu­res that the col­la­bo­ra­ti­on pro­ceeds on the best pos­si­ble terms.

NUCLEO remains the sole point of con­tact for the owner. We are res­pon­si­ble for the building’s pro­per mana­ge­ment and take care of all busi­ness and admi­ni­stra­ti­ve res­pon­si­bi­li­ties: things like fire insu­ran­ce, lessee’s lia­bi­li­ty, civil lia­bi­li­ty, mana­ge­ment and uti­li­ty com­pa­ny con­tracts. We also fol­low up on all les­see res­pon­si­bi­li­ties, such as the main­tenan­ce of boi­lers, fire­pla­ces and fire extinguishers.

The owner does not need to be in con­tact with all users; they can coo­r­di­na­te with NUCLEO direct­ly in the event that they would like to set up a mee­ting at the loca­ti­on with archi­tects, con­trac­tors or pro­spec­ti­ve buy­ers, for example.


Let us know

If you have a vacant pro­per­ty you think might have the poten­ti­al to be used as artist stu­dios, plea­se don’t hesi­ta­te to take up con­tact with Sofie Lattré.

If you are loo­king for a pure­ly com­mer­ci­al solu­ti­on for your vacant pro­per­ty, then other opti­ons might be more suitable.