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BLANCO is NUCLEO’s plat­form. It pro­vi­des a win­dow on the work of artists at NUCLEO, with a focus on expe­ri­men­ta­ti­on, reflec­ti­on, soci­al gathering and presentation.

With a research and pre­sen­ta­ti­on venue in one of the stu­dio buil­dings, BLANCO is dedi­ca­ted to sup­por­ting the ini­ti­a­ti­ve of artists. BLANCO is also acti­ve out­si­de the walls of the stu­dio buil­dings. BLANCO see­ks out​emp­ty zones in the city and invi­tes artists to make use of them.

In this way, NUCLEO encou­ra­ges artists to pre­sent their work in dia­lo­gue with the world out­si­de their studio.


Zaal Coupure

BLANCO’s hall in the for­mer Veeartsenij (vete­ri­na­ry prac­ti­ce) is a research and pre­sen­ta­ti­on venue for NUCLEO resi­dents. The spa­ce is con­cei­ved as one big, tem­po­ra­ry stu­dio or as an exten­si­on of one’s own stu­dio. There an artist can orga­ni­se exhi­bi­ti­ons, expe­ri­ments, test setups, lec­tu­res or try-outs, either with or wit­hout an audien­ce. This offers a way to acti­ve­ly encou­ra­ge the artist’s ini­ti­a­ti­ve, their dia­lo­gue with the out­si­de world and col­la­bo­ra­ti­ons with other artists and cura­tors out­si­de of NUCLEO.

Coupure 308, Ghent

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Hanging on the side wall of Ghent’s city hall are a num­ber of for­mer dis­play cases for sha­ring noti­ces with the public. BLANCO took over their use in 2016. The cases now offer artists the oppor­tu­ni­ty to for­mu­la­te a mes­sa­ge or visu­al com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on for the public.

City hall side wall, Hoogpoort, Ghent

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In December 2021, we took over the use of the wooden dis­play cases in Stadhuissteeg. Now they ser­ve to com­ple­ment the Hoogpoort dis­play cases. On a spo­ra­dic basis, artists are com­mis­si­o­ned to make use of them for artis­tic purposes.

Stadhuissteeg, Ghent

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In 2016, BLANCO came up with an artis­tic use for the faca­de of Hotelschool Gent on Tweebruggenstraat. Every few months, an artist is invi­ted to make the wall their canvas.

Tweebruggenstraat, Ghent

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The ICC is a con­ven­ti­on cen­tre on the peri­me­ter of Ghent’s Citadelpark. In May 2020, BLANCO tur­ned a wall of the ICC into a can­vas for artists. The resul­ting works enter into dia­lo­gue with the bru­ta­list archi­tec­tu­re of the buil­ding and with the park itself.

ICC side wall, Citadelpark, Ghent

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Kunstletters is the quar­ter­ly maga­zi­ne of Kunstwerkt. Under the ban­ner of Carte Blanche, BLANCO selects a dif­fe­rent artist to fill two blank pages of each edi­ti­on of the maga­zi­ne. The artists are selec­ted together with part­ners from UFO, the umbrel­la orga­ni­sa­ti­on for stu­dio orga­ni­sa­ti­ons in Flanders and Brussels.

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