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SUPPORT is NUCLEO’s sup­port pro­gram­me for artists (both at NUCLEO and beyond). Artists are encou­ra­ged to dee­pen and streng­then their artis­tic prac­ti­ce through lec­tu­res, work­shops and other forms of exchange.


For and by artists

From the autumn of 2024 to the autumn of 2026, UFO (of which NUCLEO is a mem­ber) is orga­ni­s­ing the pro­gram­me​‘For and by Artists: what does it mean to sup­port artists?’ in Flanders and Brussels.

This pro­gram­me con­sists of

In 2027 a publi­ca­ti­on will be relea­sed that reports on the pro­ject in an expe­ri­men­tal way and pre­sents its findings.

UFO is the plat­form of stu­dio orga­ni­sa­ti­ons con­nec­ting Cas-co (Leuven), De Tank (Het Entrepot, Bruges), Level Five (Brussels), MORPHO (Antwerp), NUCLEO (Ghent) and Vonk (Hasselt-Genk). UFO acti­ve­ly thinks about sustai­na­ble solu­ti­ons and cre­a­ti­ve models to keep (and anchor) artists in the city, both on a local and a Flemish level.

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